Before Registering for Membership
Please take a moment to read our Membership Policy. As a Tea Tree Players member, you’ll enjoy exclusive benefits, including two $10 tickets for every show you’re involved in. For more information, feel free to contact

When registering:

  • New Members: Select "New Member" to start your membership journey.
  • Renewing Members: Choose "Renewing" if you’re updating your existing membership.

If you need to urgently update your details but are not yet due for renewal, please reach out to for assistance.

Membership Registration

Have any details changed since you last completed a Memebrship form? *

Personal Details

Do you have any allergies or health issues we should know about? *

Volunteer Role

I am interested in: (please choose all that apply) *

Youth & Juniors

If You are NOT A CURRENT member of the Youth or Junior Groups:

If You ARE A CURRENT Youth/Junior Member: Are there any arrangements we need to know about?

Terms & Conditions

To comply with Australia's Working With Children policy, and Tea Tree Players Inc. Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy, those involved in Tea Tree Players activities involving Children, aged 14 and over are required to have a Volunteer Working With Children check.

Do you have a current Working With Children Check or pending application? *

Please note that all cast members will be photographed for each production program. Publicity/Performance photographs could appear in the media or online. (Privacy Policy available on our website)

By agreeing to our Privacy Policy you allow Tea Tree Players Inc. to store your information in our Membership Database.

I have read and understand the Tea Tre Players Inc. Code of Conduct. I agree to abide by the principles and guidelines set forth in this document.